you can’t win the war against the noise
The world became too noisy. In many different ways. Too much information, too much meaningless communication, too much noise, too much of everything.
In order to be more productive, you need to quiet the world around you and just get things done. It’s not about new hacks and lists of how to become more productive, it’s not about a new tool that can boost you or even new morning routines to make you a super hero.
To get things done you need to quiet the noisy world around you and focus on your own things. Set your goals and run for it. And it’s important to remember that your goals should be YOUR goals, not what people around you expect would like you to be.
Tweets, newsletter and blog posts do not change how industries works that often.
There is more knowledge about the society, focus and productivity in a book of H.D. Thoreau than in 98% of blog posts around the internet (including this post there).