Hi Rahul! Thank you for asking and for show interest :)
Actually, I like to think that the only point in common is that both are tools to develop REST APIs (and the fact that with Django REST Framework you can develop RESTful APIs).
However, Django + Django REST Fr. has thousands of lines of code, what I mean is that these tools are incredibly bigger than Ray (since Django tries to solve almost every problem related to web development).
The approach of Ray is to be a small-to-medium library who helps you to deliver APIs easily but still having good patterns of code. When I’m contributing to a Django project, sometimes I have the feeling that some parts of the code are too coupled. However, this can be just a feeling and not a real problem.
When I’m developing Ray, I’m trying to build a nice API to developers use, focusing on keep it simples, but still powerful.
The most important thing to say: Ray is not a project to replace Django or Flask. I’m developing Ray because I like it and because I’m learning **a lot**. If you like to contribute to open source projects, please, feel free to help Ray to grow. It’ll be a pleasure receive PRs :)